The Luling ISD Board of Trustees recognized the November Spotlight Staff Member and Students tonight. Staff member CiCi Keilman and students Jayden Hernandez and Ronderick Hughey (EJ) were present and able to hear how much we appreciate them!
about 4 years ago, Luling ISD
Next week is national Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. Luling ISD will participate in a food and hygiene drive in recognition of this important week. Please send nonperishable food and hygiene items with your child next Monday through Friday. The class with the most items from each campus will win a pizza party!
over 4 years ago, Luling ISD
During the month of November, Shanklin Elementary students are learning about types of bullying, what to do if you are being bullied, how to be a superhero bystander and how to help those who are being bullied. They are also learning about what it means to be a good friend. This is their first lesson and activity for the 2020-2021 school year to earn the No Place for Hate designation.
over 4 years ago, LeAnna Coulter
No Place for Hate sign
Tickets for the High School Girls Basketball Game on Friday, November 13th at San Antonio FEAST will be available for purchase at the gate. Tickets are $5 for adults, $3 for students, and children under the age of 5 will be admitted at no charge. Spectators are required to wear a mask at all times while inside of the facility. Players and coaches will be allowed to remove their masks once they arrive at their benches.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Patterson
The Luling ISD 2020-21 Family Survey is now available and is accepting responses online through November 30th. Families are encouraged to participate so they can share input on district and campus performance. Please click the link below to access the survey. La encuesta para familias del Luling ISD de 2020-21 ya está disponible y está aceptando respuestas en línea hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2020. Se les recomienda a las familias que participen para que puedan compartir sus opiniones sobre el desempeño del distrito y el plantel. Hagan clic en el enlace de abajo para comenzar la encuesta.
over 4 years ago, Luling ISD
HUGE thank you to the Luling Lions Club for a VERY generous donation to the district. These funds will be used to help students in need. Thank you Lions Club and Perla Castro for advocating for our students!
over 4 years ago, Luling ISD
Lions Club
During the school year, each campus at Luling ISD will be working on No Place for Hate activities. In November, Luling Primary students are learning about how it’s okay for families to be unique or different and then they are drawing pictures of their families. This is their first lesson and activity for the 2020-2021 school year to earn the No Place for Hate designation.
over 4 years ago, LeAnna Coulter
Kid with artwork
Kid with artwork
Kid with artwork
Kid with artwork
ACE and A+ Federal Credit Union are offering FREE Virtual On-Line Financial Counseling Workshops. Contact Sherri Gibson, ACE coordinator at Shanklin Elementary or Satriani Carrillo, ACE coordinator at Gerdes Junior High for more information. The workshops are: Building a Better Budget (Nov. 10, 12:30 - 1:30 pm) Women & Retirement (Nov. 12, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.) Building a Better Budget (Nov. 19, 7:30 - 8:30 pm) Basics of Personal Finance (Dec. 8, 12:30 - 1:30 pm) Basics of Personal Finance (Dec. 17, 7:30 - 8:30 pm) To register for any of the FREE workshops, go to:
over 4 years ago, Luling Independent School District
credit union logo
Everyday we are one day closer to our new elementary school being complete!
over 4 years ago, Luling ISD
The November Spotlight Student of the Month for JH/HS is Jayden Hernandez! Jayden constantly helps other students in each of his classes and goes above and beyond in classroom participation. Jayden tells everyone good morning/good afternoon as he passes them in the hallway, and is a joy to be around. Great job representing the Luling Eagles, Jayden!
over 4 years ago, Luling ISD
The November Spotlight Student of the Month for Primary/Elementary is Ronderick Hughey (EJ)! Ronderick is a first grader in Ms. Rodger's class. EJ has a positive attitude in class, is always kind and respectful, and works very hard in all subjects! He is also incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about music composers and geography! Way to go EJ!
over 4 years ago, Luling ISD
The November Spotlight Staff Member of the Month is CiCi Keilman! Mrs. Keilman is one of our fabulous Shanklin Elementary teachers! Her fellow staff members cannot say enough about what an amazing teacher she is and how much they enjoy working with her! We are so happy that she is part of the Eagle family!
over 4 years ago, Luling ISD
Thanks to everyone that has supported and participated in the awareness campaigns this month! It has been a busy month at Luling ISD! #breastcancerawareness #domesticviolenceawareness #stompoutbullying #unityday2020 #redribbonweek
over 4 years ago, Luling Independent School District
Thank you
Did you know that if you go to Apps on your phone, you can download the Luling ISD app by searching "Luling ISD"? You can keep up with daily lunch menus, access the Ascender Parent Portal, get social media live feed posts, and access teacher websites? Download our app today!
over 4 years ago, Luling Independent School District
The Senior Pep Rally and Senior Sunrise Breakfast have been rescheduled due to the cancellation of the football game. The Breakfast and Pep Rally will be on Wednesday, November 18th. The Senior Breakfast will be at 7am and the Pep Rally will be at 6pm. All seniors, and their families, involved in football, cheer, dance, athletic training, and band will be recognized during the event.
over 4 years ago, Luling ISD
At some point, we have all probably felt alone. Make a point to reach out and include others in activities at school. Be there to listen and support each other. #hereforyou #stompoutbullying
over 4 years ago, Luling Independent School District
Luling High School supports being drug free during Red Ribbon Week. They all say, “We mustache you to be drug free!” by wearing their mustaches.
over 4 years ago, Luling Independent School District
Red Ribbon Week is this week, October 26th-30th! Monday: “Hats off to being drug free”- Wear a hat Tuesday: “We mustache you to be drug free!”- Wear or draw a mustache Wednesday: “Sock it to drugs!”- Wear crazy or colorful socks Thursday: “Be a Jean-ious and be drug free!”- Wear jeans Friday: “Team up against drugs!”- Wear your favorite team shirt
over 4 years ago, Luling Independent School District
red ribbon
After reading Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (you have to read it!), Ms. Dinizio’s classes at LHS developed a character analysis of Harrison. Great character development makes for great reading. Awesome job, students!
over 4 years ago, Luling Independent School District
Ms. Dinizio’s freshmen English classes at LHS are learning to become better writers by using model sentences. Look at this one!
over 4 years ago, Luling Independent School District